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Case Study and Passage Based Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes

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Home » CBSE Class 10 Science » Case Study Questions for Class 10 Science » Case Study and Passage Based Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes

In CBSE Class 10 Science Paper, Students will have to answer some questions based on Assertion and Reason. There will be a few questions based on case studies and passage based as well. In that, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ questions based on it will be asked.

Here, we have provided case based/passage based questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes.

Question 1:

Read the following and answer any four questions from (i) to (v).

All living cells need nutrients, O, and other essential substances. Also, the waste and harmful substances need to be removed continuously for healthy functioning of cells. So, a well developed transport system is mandatory for living organisms. Complex organisms have special fluids within their bodies to transport such materials. Blood is the most commonly used body fluid by most of the higher organisms. Lymph also helps in the transport of certain substances.

(i) Which of the following does not exhibit phagocytic activity?
(a) Monocytes
(b) Neutrophils
(c) Basophil
(d) Macrophage

Answer Answer: (c)

(ii) Amount of blood corpusles in changed in dengue fever. One of the common symptoms observed in people infected with dengue fever is
(a) significant decrease in RBC count
(b) significant decrease in WBC count
(c) significant decrease in platelets count
(d) significant increase in platelets count.

Answer Answer: (c)

(iii) Why are WBCs called soldiers of the body?
(a) They are capable of squeezing out of blood capillaries.
(b) They are manufactured in bone marrow.
(c) They fight against disease causing germs.
(d) They have granular cytoplasm with lobed nucleus.

Answer Answer: (c)

(iv) Name the blood cells, whose reduction in number can cause clotting disorder, leading to excessive loss of blood from the body.
(a) Erythrocytes
(b) Neutrophils
(c) Leucocytes
(d) Thrombocytes

Answer Answer: (d)

(v) Which of the following is the correct feature of lymph?
(a) It is similar to the plasma of blood, but is colourless and contains less proteins.
(b) It is similar to the WBCs of blood, but is colourless and contain more proteins.
(c) It is similar to the RBCs of blood and red in colour.
(d) It contains more fats.

Answer Answer: (a)

Question 2:

Read the following and answer any four questions from (i) to (v).

Heterotrophic nutrition is a mode of nutrition in which organisms obtain readymade organic food from outside sources. The organisms that depend upon outside sources for obtaining organic nutrients are called heterotrophs.
Heterotrophic nutrition is of three types: saprophytic, parasitic and holozoic nutrition.

(i) In which of the following groups of organisms food material is broken outside the body and absorbed?
(a) Mushroom, green plants, Amoeba
(b) Yeast, mushroom, bread mould
(c) Paramecium, Amoeba, Cuscuta
(d) Cuscuta, lice, tapeworm

Answer Answer: (b)

(ii) Which of the following is a parasite?
(a) Yeast
(b) Taenia
(c) Amoeba
(d) Earthworm

Answer Answer: (b)

(iii) Which of the following is an example of saprotroph?
(a) Grass
(b) Mushroom
(c) Amoeba
(d) Paramecium

Answer Answer: (b)

(iv) Heterotrophic nutrition involves
(a) production of simple sugar from inorganic compounds
(b) utilisation of chemical energy to prepare food
(c) utilisation of energy obtained by plants
(d) all of these.

Answer Answer: (c)

(v) In Paramecium, food enters the body through
(a) mouth
(b) pseudopodia
(c) cilia
(d) cytostome

Answer Answer: (d)

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